Poap Badges
Get EFP POAPs of a user by their EFP list id.
Path Parameters
(string): The EFP List of the account
Query Parameters
(string, optional): If set to ‘fresh’ the cache lookup will be skipped, fresh data will be returned and the cache record will be updated with the new data.
Sample Query
curl https://api.ethfollow.xyz/api/v1/lists/9/badges
// sample response{ "poaps": [ { "eventId": "177709", "participated": true, "collection": { "event": { "id": 177709, "fancy_id": "efp-beta-tester-2024", "name": "EFP Beta Tester", "event_url": "https://ethfollow.xyz", "image_url": "https://assets.poap.xyz/335d8e5a-920f-4c62-aa41-d8745f350a26.png", "country": "", "city": "", "description": "Thank you for helping us test EFP on testnet before our mainnet launch! You are truly an OG. 🤝", "year": 2024, "start_date": "06-Sep-2024", "end_date": "21-Sep-2024", "expiry_date": "21-Sep-2025" }, "tokenId": "7189762", "owner": "0xC9C3A4337a1bba75D0860A1A81f7B990dc607334" } }, { "eventId": "178064", "participated": false, "collection": null }, { "eventId": "178065", "participated": false, "collection": null } ... ]}